Chia Cat Grass

Share your indoor gardening with your pet by planting some Chia cat grass. Felines, dogs, and even rabbits will be happy - and more likely to stop nibbling on your other houseplants!

Readily available in pet stores, supermarkets, department stores, and online, the starter kits are easy to find, simple to grow, inexpensive, and refillable. They're also healthy for your favorite felines.

Good for Your Cats:

  • organic
  • pesticide free
  • increased roughage consumption = better digestion
  • helps remove hairballs
  • diverts them from other, potentially toxic houseplants
  • adds vitamins and minerals to their daily diet
  • chlorophyll acts as a natural breath freshener
  • contains healthy folic acid and other essential vitamins

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Good for Your Plants

You can make everyone happy - your green friends as well as your furry friends - by growing cat grass. It distracts your feline from munching on other greenery around the house, providing her/him with a healthy snack instead of something potentially poisonous.

Chia Cat Grass Planter

Containers for your plantings come in various shapes and sizes - as well as costs. Most are offered as part of starter kits.

Sylvester* and Tweety* wrap around opposite sides of one ceramic planter; another has a happily napping feline draped over the edge. These both make great under-$20 gifts.

But the simple plastic dish included in the less expensive kits works just as well. After all, your cat won't pay much attention to what the planter looks like - s/he'll be munching happily away at the greens!

Of course, you can use your own Chia Pet® planter for your pet's snacks, just remember which belongs to you and which to them.

How to Grow the Grass for Your Cat

There are instructions in any of the kits you purchase, but here's a quick list of what to do:

  1. Add the planting mixture provided to the planter; keep 2 tablespoons separate
  2. Pat it down until it's level
  3. Evenly disperse the Chia cat grass seeds
  4. Cover with the remaining 2 tablespoons of mix as best you can
  5. Add water
  6. Cover with a plastic bowl or bag, keeping it loose
  7. When sprouts are about 1 inch tall, remove the bowl or bag
  8. Add water only when the mix dries; be careful not to overwater
  9. Serve it to your cat in cuttings or the whole planter when the sprouts are about 4 inches tall

Click here to read about planting a Chia Herb Garden for yourself.

Looney Tunes characters and names are trademarks of Warner Bros. © 2008.
Chia ® Cat Grass™ is a registered trademark (or application pending) worldwide. A quality Joseph Enterprises ® product.

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